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The service logo and the sea are the starting point for planning the graphic appearance.


In the service logo you can see three separate entities: the motto, the cross and the background graphics. This year the motto is exceptionally in Finnish and Swedish due to the Swedish speaking population. The typography of the moto is sharp and clear, focused on this time. The text is arranged in poetic form on top of the colored graphics. ”The Lord is my light and my salvation” -this is all that a person needs. The most important part of the service emblem is the cross which is set into the text. The cross is the central symbol of Christianity. It tells us of our Savior Lord Jesus, the light, security and salvation of our life. The color of the service emblem is from the sea, which suits well for the service logo for the services being arranged near the sea. The graphics is formed of different shades of blue and green surfaces. You can see the heaven and sea/earth from the colors. On the other hand, there is a confident ray of light – the Lord's light, visible in the graphics. The service emblem, the service gateway in the main service area and the speaker's podium in the service tent are the traditional motto or symbol and they are designed each year for the summer services. The gateway and the speaker's podium get their appearance from the elements of the service logo.