Summer Services

Summer services are an annual summer festival of the conservative Laestadians and the largest spiritual event in the Nordic countries. Conservative Laestadianism is a rivalal movement of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church.

At the Summer services, the most important matters are the word of God, Bible-based fellowships, singing together, and encounters. We want to convey a secure message of the the forgiveness of sins and invite you to believe.

in addition to the service speeches, a communion will be held on Saturday in the large tent, and a service and sunday school will be held on Sunday. Services are also held in nearby churches in cooperation with local congregations on Sunday.

Everyone is welcome to the summer services. Admission to the event is free.

2022 Summer services (1.– 4.7.) Will be arranged in the City of Loppi which is in the Kanta-Häme region. Loppi is approximately 110 kilometers from Helsinki. Loppi is known for its potato cultivation and diverse nature. The area, divided by many lakes and ponds is a popular summer cottage resort. The population of just under 8000 almost doubles with its summer guests.

The location of the summer services is the Räyskälä airport, where summer services were held last in 2012. The Summer service field area is 185 acres, which is 46 acres larger than in 2012. The Service field is ground water area.

Organizing summer services requires years of well-organized advance work. The arrangements are mainly made by volunteers as support work. The main responsibility for organizing the 2022 Summer services lies with the Vantaa RY(local rauhanyhdistys organization). The RY:s in Espoo, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Lohja and Nurmijärvi are also responsible for organizing.

God’s kingdom belongs to the childlike (Mark. 10:14) has been chosen to be the motto of the services. It embodies the simplicity of faith, trust in God’s care, and permission to have security in Him.The gift of faith is received by believing the forgiveness of sins in a childlike manner.

Invitation to services belongs to everyone. The work of the kingdom of God continues according to the mission given by the Savior: the gospel is preached to all nations. At its core is the forgiveness of sins in the name and blood of Jesus. Forgiveness is offered to everyone who longs for mercy.

We want to organize the usual, safe, functional, good-natured Summer services at Loppi, to which everyone is welcome. Trust, mercy and responsibility are the guiding values of preparation and organization.

On this supplementary site, you can read more about the preparations, the event, the program, the arrival and accommodation at the Summer Clubs, other instructions and services.

A warm welcome to the Summer services!ce

Central Committee