Your word is a light unto my path (Ps. 119:105)

Your word is a light unto my path (Ps. 119:105)

The Summer Service motto is from Psalm 119: “Your word is a light unto my path”. The words of the Psalm encourages us to believe. It reminds us of the unchanging word of God and it gives strength in different situations of life.

Kauhava logo

The graphic design of the service logo has been created by graphic designer Elisa Kinnunen. In the Summer Services service logo is pictured the motto of light and pathway. Its earth tone white and yellow coloring reflects the prospect of hope. The light and lightness in the logo, along with the watercolor translucent pencil mark support the message of the service logo. The light at the top of the service logo is left open to the viewer. It is up to the viewer to interpret it as light in a cloud formation or as a mountain path illuminated by the morning sun. The cross on the logo symbolizes Christianity and spirituality. There is also a desire to highlight the fields of the service area as grassland in front of the sign.