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Local transportation

Bus service

A local bus provides shuttle service between the service site bus station and the Pudasjärvi bus station every half hour from Thursday, June 27, to Monday, July 1, along the following route:

To the Pudasjärvi bus station:

Service site bus station → Pudasjärvi swimming hall (morning and evening shuttles via the town center’s lodging schools) → Pudasjärvi bus station.

To the service site bus station:

Pudasjärvi bus station → (morning and evening shuttles via the town center’s lodging schools) → service site bus station.

The bus schedules are posted at the International Visitor Service, the service site bus station, the Info booth, the bulletin board, the transportation booth, the lodging booth, the lodging schools, and the Pudasjärvi bus station. The schedules can also be found in the Päivämies paper and online at www.suviseurat.fi.

Bus transportation between the service site and the parking area:

Transportation is provided free of charge between the P1 parking area (Jyrkkäkoskentie – horse racing track) and the service site during the services (Fri–Sun). The service begins at 8:30 on Friday and ends at 24:00 on Sunday. The service is available every day from 8:30 to 24:00.

Taxi service

Taxis are available at the service site taxi station and by phone at 08 821 444.

Meeting and worship service transportation

Meeting transportation

Buses to the speakers’ and elders’ meeting will leave from the service site bus station on Friday beginning at 13:00.

Buses to SRK’s annual meeting will leave from the service site bus station on Saturday beginning at 7:40.

Worship service transportation

Buses to English worship services in Pudasjärvi church will leave from the service site bus station on Sunday beginning at 17:30.